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Rollick's Titleholders Kerry Blue Terriers

#  Name  Titels
96  Rollick's Prince Charming  S Ch
95  Rollick's Indigo Queen  S Ch
94  Rollick's Wild Fantasy  S Ch
93  Rollick's Blue Moonlight  Fin Ch
92  Rollick's King of the Blues  S Ch
91  Rollick's In the Spotlight  S & Cr Ch
90  Rollick's Girl Power  S Ch
89  Rollick's Fantasy In Blue  S Ch
88  Rollick's Rocket to the Moon  S Ch
87  Rollick's Fly Me to the Moon  S Ch
86  Rollick's Wild Venture  Dk Ch
85  Rollick's You Go Girl  Aust Ch
84  Rollick's Something To Talk About  S Ch
83  Rollick's Wild Thing  Int, S & Fin Ch
82  Rollick's Fool For Fame  GB, S & Dk Ch
81  Rollick's Bombalurina  S Ch
80  Rollick's Return of the Shadow  NZ Ch
79  Rollick's Tom Bombadil  S Ch
78  Rollick's Return of the King  S Ch
77  Rollick's Pretty Woman  S Ch
76  Rollick's Blue Moonrider  S Ch
75  Rollick's Light My Fire  S Ch
74  Rollick's Magic Light  Int & Nord Ch
73  Rollick's Hope'n Glory  N Ch, NordV-06
72  Rollick's Fame'n Glory

 Int, Nord & Dk Ch,

71  Rollick's Royal Legacy  S Ch
70  Rollick's Royal Collection  S Ch
69  Rollick's Royal Blue  S Ch
68  Rollick's Electra King  S Ch
67  Rollick's Honey Ryder  S Ch
66  Rollick's High Society  JWW-03
65  Rollick's Magnolia  S Ch
64  Rollick's Days of Thunder  Nord Ch
63  Rollick's Absolutely Adorable   Int & Nord Ch,
  KBHV-02, SV-02, JWW-02
62  Rollick's Absolutely Glorious   Int & Nord Ch
  NordV-03, SV-03
61  Rollick's Magic Storm  S Ch
60  Rollick's Hurrican Hunter  S Ch
59  Rollick's Wild Wind  Nord Ch
58  Rollick's Into the Future  S & N Ch
57  Rollick's Back to the Future  S Ch
56  Rollick's Future Fantasy  Int & Nord Ch
55  Rollick's Moonlight Serenade  Int & Nord Ch
54  Rollick's Private Dancer  S Ch
53  Rollick's Riverdance  US Ch
52  Rollick's Dancing with Shyloch  Int & Nord Ch, NordV-04
51  Rollick's Fire of Desire  S Ch
50  Rollick's Firestarter  S Ch
49  Rollick's Chimera  S Ch
48  Rollick's Mirage  S Ch
47  Rollick's Mirror Image  S Ch
46  Rollick's Reflection  Int, US, Rus, Mold, Rom,  Belorus, Est & Ukr Ch, Rus Club Ch
45  Rollick's Grand Illusion  US & Nord Ch
44  Rollick's Imagination  Int & Nord Ch, SV-02
43  Rollick's Atomic Bomberman  S Ch
42  Rollick's Lara Croft  S Ch
41  Rollick's Tomb Raider  Int & Nord Ch
40  Rollick's Philadelphia Story  S Ch
39  Rollick's Million Dollar Baby  S Ch
38  Rollick's Canadian Queen  Int & Nord Ch, SV-00-01
37  Rollick's Keystone Cowboy  Int & Nord Ch. NordV-99
36  Rollick's Fairy Princess  S Ch
35  Rollick's Legend  S Ch
34  Rollick's Magic  Int & Nord Ch, NV-99
33  Rollick's Megahit for Merryblue  Fin Ch
32  Rollick's  S Ch
31  Rollick's Simply Irresistible  S Ch, LP1
30  Rollick's Simply the Best  S & N Ch
29  Rollick's Masterpiece  Nord Ch
28  Rollick's Diva  Int & Nord Ch, KBHV-99
27  Rollick's Colourful  S Ch
26  Rollick's True Colours  Int & Nord Ch, NV-01
25  Rollick's Winning Colours  Int & Nord Ch, NV-00, SV-02
24  Rollick's Flying Colours  Can, Int, Nord & N Ch,
KBHJV-97, KBHV-98, SV-97-99
23  Rollick's Punchline  S Ch
22  Rollick's Comédienne  S Ch
21  Rollick's Stand-Up Comedian  S & Dk Ch
20  Rollick's Leading Lady  N Ch
19  Rollick's Critical Acclaim  S Ch
18  Rollick's Day Dream  S Ch
17  Rollick's Dream Weaver  S Ch
16  Rollick's Raindrop  S Ch
15  Rollick's Driving Rain  Int & Nord Ch
14  Rollick's Rainman  S Ch
13  Rollick's Rainbow Warrior  S Ch
12  Rollick's Devil May Care  S Ch
11  Rollick's Devil In Disguise  S & Dk Ch
10  Rollick's By Design  Int & Nord Ch,
  SV-96, NordV-97
9  Rollick's With It  S & Fin Ch
8  Rollick's Silver Rain  S Ch
7  Rollick's Make My Day  S Ch
6  Rollick's Second Sight  S Ch
5  Rollick's Rough'n Tumble  S Ch
4  Rollick's Rough'n Ready  S Ch
3 Rollick's Double Trouble  S Ch
2 Rollick's Sweet Patchouli  S Ch
1 Rollick's Scent of Roses  S Ch
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